The Adventure Continues.
From her earliest days being constantly on the move as her father's ventures often ended in disarray, Allegra fell in love with travel. The family never stayed long in any one place so her formal education was sketchy but there was always music, books, interesting people, laughter, and love.
Her memoir chronicles this weird childhood, her marriage to a much-travelled documentary film-maker; their life together bringing up their 6 children and her own further adventures while writing her other books.
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The surprise only child of quite elderly parents, little Rachmil was adored and indulged.
From her earliest days being constantly on the move as her father's ventures often ended in disarray, Allegra fell in love with travel.
Allegra Taylor has journeyed through the world in a quest to understand how healing works.
Death is the most predictable thing that will happen to any of us and one of the few experiences we share with every other human being, yet we hardly give it a thought.
The oldest profession continues to flourish, on the streets and in brothels, in expensive hotels and suburban semis.
What is healing and how does it work? What does a healer do? Can I heal myself and others? What healing techniques can I use?
In our modern, Western, youth-worshipping culture, getting older has become something to be feared and denied.
In many parts of the world today there is a gathering groundswell of women seeking to reclaim their own direct experience of spiritual vision.
Tal Lives on Kibbutz Erez, in Israel. During the day he lives in a Children’s House with all his friends, so there are always plenty of people to play with.